MP Chloe Smith Crashes Party

On Saturday 4th of June the Phoenix Center on Mile Cross (a venue noted for it’s LGBTQIA+ inclusion) hosted a tea party for the jubilee, an event that was free for all the locals to lift them up during times of extreme hardship and disparity.

To the dismay of all in attendance, Chloe Smith appeared an hour into the party to a cold reception. Smith’s voting record makes her an unpopular figure in her own constituency, having voted in favour of reducing benefits by £20 and forcing disadvantaged people into further hardship.

Attendees had this to say:
“How dare she, the nerve of her!”
“Cheeky cow, showing up here.”

Her arrival was timely as local theatre group The Common Lot did a preview of their latest show A Song Of Hope And Protest (running till Sunday the 12th of June), lead my LGBTQIA+ member Charlie Caine, featuring lines such as: “The Rich Grow Richer Off Our Backs, But Will Not Give A Living Wage Or Pay Their Income Tax.” Which is their opening song primarily aimed at greedy capitalists and government corruption, to which she gave no compliments or acknowledged in any way. She has been formally invited by a group representative, but the feeling is that she will likely not show up to an event relevant to her, her party, and her community, held in her own constituency.

She requested photo opportunities with volunteers who wore “I <3 MX” (I love Mile Cross) shirts, all of whom declined. The only participants who were persuaded to pose with her were the guides, and did so reluctantly. The feeling of the event was insult that she would turn up to an event for people she has personally hurt and use them for publicity.

When confronted afterwards on her taking free food for the poor and not donating, she said: “I was told they weren’t taking donations,” despite a donation bucket being clearly on view. She later donated £5, and incredibly paltry some for someone with a well paid job who can claim more expenses than should be legal.

The personal insult felt by the community will likely last for a long time to come.

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