Beyond The Flag Exhibition

Hosted by Norwich Pride, the Beyond the Flag art exhibition is about examining the “legacies, histories and future of the pride flag,” a broad topic ripe for artist interpretation!

There is never a clear answer to any question – particularly those with such deep history and emotion attached to it. While a flag can be a symbol of pride and resistance against oppression, it can also be constricting. The social constructs around the meaning of the flag and it reincarnations is cause for endless hours of discussion; while many consider the modern standard 6 striped flag to be a catch all community symbol they’re proud of regardless of identity, it has become synonymous with white cis gay men, which others find exclusionary.

The experience of a flag is so truly subjective that there can never be a “one correct answer” and we must all find a path and representation suitable for us as individuals, but this doesn’t lessen the feelings or importance of community. In fact as time become more harrowing for us all we can see the community come together more strongly than before, and part of that strength is our differences working in unity.

The exhibition will run from July 26th to the 30th and be held at the Assembly house, with submissions closing June 24th which will have a £5 fee (waived for those who are unwaged, students, or have refugee status) – all proceeds go to Norwich Pride.

See the following link for the submission brief:

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