Prejudice Campaigning

We have known for a long time that the local Labour party is riddled with problems, transphobia being one of them. The identity of party members contributing to this prejudice and hate speech in our city has also been known for quite some time, culminating recently in the distribution of transphobic leaflets being shoved through letterboxes alongside flyer campaigning – this action is, literally, a crime. Linda Groves has issued an apology for the flyers handed out and the implication that she endorses them, which is well written and sincere.

Upon investigation, we have discovered that little action is being taken – not because of ill will or enablement, but because the national party has been refusing to take action against the members perpetrating the behaviour despite requests from the local party. Quite typical of Starmers’ Labour.

Local feminism appropriating reactionary transphobe group, Womens Rights Network Norwich, have recently tried to claim MP Clive Lewis’s support by saying he’s avoiding the topic of trans rights, despite his repeated claims that he is trans supportive. As we know, facts aren’t the highest priority of people who campaign against minorities.

That said, it’s come to our attention that Clive has become almost completely uncontactable and is never seen at public events or interacting with his constituency in any way, along with tory MP Chloe Smith – dereliction of duty seems to have become the norm for Norwich’s Parliament representatives.

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