Our Attorney General Can’t Do Research

The release of The Guardian’s recent article regarding gender diverse students (link below) is revoltingly unresearched, the deliberate negligence an attempt to spread prejudice which has seen a rise in hate crime in this country. They make no attempt to correct or confront the bigotry the attorney general is perpetrating.

“A male child who says in a school that they are a trans girl, that they want to be female, is legally still a boy or a male. And schools have a right to treat them as such under the law.” Said Suella Braverman, in an astounding show of ignorance of the public sector equality duty. Can we trust someone with so little regard for the safety and wellbeing of children, and too much arrogance of their uneducated opinion?

There has been a suggestion that they are trying to set a precedence in undermining the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act, that covers gender diversity and states that medical transitioning or having a gender recognition certificate are not requirements to be protected, but that would require a case to be successful in court giving a school the authority to be bigoted. To have the law changed would require vast amounts of legal and monetary power (not to mention intense motivation) and several years to come into effect, against the publics wishes and against the recent trend of trans positive rulings by the courts.

The country deserves better than leaders who don’t know what they’re talking about, and children deserve better than to have their safety jeopardized by the media and ineffectual leaders.

Remember: It’s important to report incidents of hate crimes to the police.

If you’d like to read exactly what the public sector equality duty entails, see this statement by Growing Roots Comunity LTD.

The article in question:


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